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Tongue Saliva Ejectors for Professional UseGramß GmbH

Development and construction of a 2K tool in index plate technology for the production of a professional tongue attachment for use in dental practices, which can be fitted on to saliva ejectors.

Zwei Zungensauger für den medizinischen Bereich
Drei verschiedene, medizinische Zungensauger hergestellt mit Spritgzuss-Werkzeugen

The customer

Gramß GmbH is an owner-managed family company founded in 1989. The company produces these injection-moulded items on latest-generation computer-controlled machines. From its headquarters in Spechtsbrunn, Thuringia, the company serves national and international customers from the cosmetics, pharmaceutical and food industries. The end customer, TSpro GmbH based in Karlsruhe, developed the TS1 tongue saliva ejector for professional use in dental practices. The TS1 was launched in October 2015.

The task

The production of the tongue saliva ejector, a new development in the field of professional use in dental practices, required Hofmann Impulsgeber’s know-how in tool technology. Because the cleaner is used in the sensitive mouth area, it was particularly important to keep the injection point on the front, delicate suction side as small as possible and to avoid any kind of burr in order to eliminate the risk of injury. In addition, a solution had to be found to implement the sophisticated nub geometry on the back of the tongue saliva ejector.

The solution

The experts from Hofmann Impulsgeber worked closely with the customer right from the start in order to implement the product’s 3D data in accordance with the tools. There was particular focus on the construction of the hot runner in order to achieve the desired ‘invisibility’ of the injection point. The use of 2K index plate technology turned out to be the ideal approach to meet these requirements. With the help of detailed filling simulations, it was also possible to develop the nub geometry on the tongue saliva ejector so that the fine nubs in the tool can be easily filled with plastic.

The success

For the technically challenging development of the tongue saliva ejector, Hofmann Impulsgeber built a tool that combines the quality requirements of a product for dental practices with economical cycle times. 2K index plate technology guarantees high tool availability. Hofmann’s tool technology know-how has contributed to making an impact on dentistry.

Stefan Hofmann

Your partner in medicine

Stefan Hofmann
Managing Director
T: +49 9571 766-9660