Three questions to Stefan Hofmann
What started the development of the BEAD.MACHINE and what are the next steps? Managing Director Stefan Hofmann has all the answers.
Question: How did the idea for the BEAD.MACHINE come about?
Answer: The idea was born in June 2018 at our technology conference “Impulse”. The starting point was a research project aimed at optimizing particle foam moulds with the help of 3D printing. The results of the project, in which the company WSVK was involved among others, were extremely good. At the same time, however, it became apparent that the technology of existing shape moulding machines is not sufficient to exploit the full potential of 3D printing in particle foam. While having a few drinks at the bar, we talked with Mr. Schmiedeck from the company WSVK about the great research results and got the slightly bold idea that one would actually have to develop one’s own moulding machine for these 3D-printed particle foam moulds. A few weeks later, we still thought it was a good idea and so we started to develop the BEAD.MACHINE with WSVK as our project partner.
Question: How did the development of the machine go?
Answer: As with every development, there were of course ups and downs. However, with the BEAD.MACHINE there were definitely more ups. Overall, we and our project partner, who has been a particle foam end-user for many years, are really thrilled with the performance of the machine. We are confident that the machine will have a very bright future, because the BEAD.MACHINE provides completely new approaches to particle foam processing. The first customers who have already been able to test the machine have also confirmed this to us in recent weeks and months.
Question: What are the next steps for the BEAD.MACHINE?
Answer: Our grand vision is to establish particle foam as a real injection-moulding alternative. That is a challenging goal, but it is exactly the challenge we want to take on. Of course, there are still a number of tasks ahead of us but, for a great deal of aspects, we have already found good solutions. Our task for the coming months is to continue working on this vision. I am looking forward to this task.